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Distance to Travel:     6km

Approx Travel Time:   8 min
Depth:                         26 - 30+ m   
Qualification:             Advanced + , Nitrox recommended
Bottom Time:            Nx 27 / Air 20



















This being one of our deepest and advanced dives in the Tofo bay.

Aptly named, we often see devil rays overhead.

Sometimes just a few, but occasionally the devils come in their hundreds overhead, so keep a lookout!

Devils is a horseshoe shape, with green tree coral and cleaning station covering the top wall.

Keep a lookout for either giant or reef mantas hovering above the cleaning stations

as well as both the giant and bowmouth guitar sharks swimming around.

Loggerhead turtles might be found resting under the overhangs or even just on the sandy bottom.

Pelagic fish can be seen in shoals above the reef, like bigeye trevally or barracuda just hanging overhead.

Different species of pipefish and sea apples are also typically seen at Devils.

Devils Map
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